Scout Summary & News


18th Dec – Xmas Party!

We had our Christmas Party! There was lots of yummy food and drinks. The Scouts put on some games that they ran and raised some money towards our group. Well done to Alex, Arthur, Matthew, Jacob and Christopher for bringing in and running these games. 

This was our last week until next year. Thank you to all of our Scouts for such a good year. Thank you to all of the parents who has helped to make our weekly sessions fun and enjoyable. Also a big Thank You to all of our Leaders for their hard work to make our weekly sessions and events happen. 

1st Dec Expedition Hike Challenge

On the 1st of December some of our Scouts took on the Expedition Hike Challenge. They arrived at the Scout Hut on the Saturday morning. They planned their 8km route that they were going to take through the forest all the way to their campsite at Fairmeads. At the campsite they made catapults, that we used to shoot fireballs to start the camp fire! It was amazing. Our Scouts also started fires using a spark and one charcloth (ok maybe a few more than one!) . They cooked some amazing food throughout the weekend and this included spaghetti bolognese and a full cooked breakfast.  Thank you for making this such a fun and memorable time. Some memorable events included smelling like smoke;  flying compasses, sharp sticks, toothpaste taps and  rubber bands.

10th July 2018 – Catapults
We were outside pioneering, making catapult structures in time for next weeks water fun day and last session.

Next week – End of term  Water splash activity day
We will be having a water spalsh day. so Scouts bring your super soakers, your towels, your change of clothes. We might have a water slide too!

Parents you can do the same if you wish to participate or you can just come and enjoy the BBQ burgers, sausages and Ice cream (bring your own drink, wink wink).

We have the numbers of people attending from your OSM response, thank you,  so come along and bring your family.

Events.- Kayaking session
We had such a brilliant day out on the water Kayaking that I believe that our Akela (Cub leader) Jody is planning another one. It was so much fun.

3rd July 2018 – Pancakes and fruit combo

Unfortunately due to lack of adult helpers volunteering on the rota we were not safeguarded to run this session. Remember Scouts is a community organisation and not like your School. We are all volunteers and the group can only run successfully with more volunteers joining. With no volunteers, We shut down – PERMANENTLY.

-Parents – Please don’t treat us like a school or a nursery service that have employees.

District Activity Weekend 29th June-1st July.

We had glorious hot sunny weather for this fabulous smorgasbord of activities (don’t worry, we were prepared with the suncream and insect repellent!). There was over 30 activities that your Scout could visit including Bumper cars (yes real one that came to camp); Cresta run (real speed racing down a hill in wooden cars); Axe throwing (be a real Red indian); Re-enacment (P/russian military with muskets and noisey cannons).

Followed by cool drinks, cooked breakfasts, lunch and dinner; and a plethora of Melon (lovely  sweet juicy water melon!), biscuits and Smores  – all prepared by our helpers who came to the rescue of our overstretched leaders.

I was impressed by the developing maturity of our Scouts, helping out Cubs and Beavers where they can. I am sure that with your continued support that we will be self sufficient in being able to setup and tear down our camp. Full kitchen cooking may take a bit more time though!

Some of our Scouts decided that staying in a tent was just going to be too hot so decided that they would setup a biviouc of hammocks that they tied in themselves and slept in overnight! Excellent work and great jobs guys!

Unfortunately as leaders, we were committed to helping on the activities so did not have as much time to travel around taking   pictures of the fun and frolics that we would like to. That’s such a great shame as I am sure that there were big smiles during this day.

All in all, this has been a successful camp and I can definitely see improvements in our Scouts behaviour and increased responsibilities… I attribute this to the parents… as always.


26th June 2018 – Tarps and Hammock

We will now be practising knots that can hold an adult and keep them dry too.

Reef / Siberian hitch / mid-shipmans  – Adults please come if you wish to learn this.   

19th June 2018 – Pitch your tents!

Our Scouts helped the cubs pitch the new tents that have arrived in time for our district camp. Unfortunately I was away at my sons concert so cannot comment on how well they did but I am sure that they had fun and good practise.

Thank you to Jody and Colin for stepping up at the last moment. Peg count for you 

12th June 2018 – Haka

Our Scouts played jump the rope game and skipping to earn additional patrol points (very competitive and healthy work too).

We then practised our Haka for the upcoming district activity weekend.

On the Monday some of our Scouts went to Fairlop activity watersports centre to represent the 52nd on the Distrct Scout challenge Catamaran Canoes (Kata-Kanu). We did not win but we did very well considering that we were the youngest team participating – next year! well done Alex, Dominic, Kai and Arthur.

We did not have any volunteer adults helping last week  but Jody our cub leader stepped in at the last moment to stop the session being cancelled. Please be advised that parents should help as part of their commitment  (and not have other section leaders plug the gap as this is very unfair on them as they already have committed their time to helping in other section

5th June 2018 – Carry me home sweet charity

An enjoyable time was had by all.
  1. We learnt about 6 digit OS reference and how to orient a map
  2. We played Kabbaddi game as requested by our Scout members. 
  3. We did not have enough time to learn the Haka in preparation for the District Activity weekend however I am including the video to practise for next week so that we can do this in front of the other groups during camp. The movements will be acceptable as I know the words are difficult to learn.
  4. District Scout Challenge – Kata-kanu next Monday evening – please let me know if you have any difficulties attending.

Thank you to Kath and Anna for helping out. It is much appreciated and a peg count to you. 

As always, as much help is appreciated by me, especially when I am now preparing for the district camp in the next few weeks and may not be concentrating on the weekly programme as much.

29th May 2018 – Half term Topgolf challenge

22nd May 2018 – Man your tents!

We have been setting our Scout Patrols leadership and teamwork challenges in pitching and striking tents in preparation for the District Activity Weekend in June. Comments from some of the patrol “leaders” was “Why don’t they listen to me”. Well we believe that in order for a team to be successful, that they all need to know what the objective is, communications and positive encouragement. These are essential  in any situation and leads to teams working hard to  achieve the goal. 

18th May 2018 – Jolly Hockey sticks

Last week Scouts did some hockey skills with Anna. They then had a patrol forum and discussed what roles they played in a team and what makes good teamwork. Thank you Anna another peg count for you. 

11th May – Hike to Michael Mallinsons

The Scouts enjoyed the hike to Michael Mallisons. They carried their own water and they did some compass work. Thank you to Amanda and Kath for helping on the hike. A peg count for you both.

Gun Carriage competition

It is with regret that we have had to cancel this due to the limited number of leaders that we had that could run this. However we will be planning this for next year, hoping that we will have enough leaders by then.