Cub Camp Kit List

Please get your Cub to help pack, so they know where everything is. All items should be clearly labelled with the Cub’s name.


  >2 plastic shopping bags for dirty/wet clothes (They will get dirty and wet!)
  Cub Uniform – jumper and necker
  4 pairs of socks, some thick for wellies or walking boots
  4 Pairs of pants
  2 pairs of trousers – not denim
  1 pair of shorts
  Warm pyjamas
  3 t-shirts
  1 jumper
  1 fleece or very warm jumper
  1 coat
  1 waterproof outfit (top with hood and trousers if possible)
  Wellies – named on inside
  Trainers (or walking boots)
  Wash kit – toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, flannel, in waterproof washbag with name on
  Towel (please label)
  Warm Sleeping bag (3 or 4 season)
  Warm blanket
  Roll mat or air bed
  Labelled Cup, bowl and plate
  Knife, fork and spoon
  Torch (labelled) and spare batteries
  Water bottle – labelled
  Cuddly Toy – we like every cub to bring one so that if any cub needs one he doesn’t feel silly
  Cake/ cakes/ biscuits in a labelled tin or container to be given to leaders at Campsite.
  Any personal medical requirements

Here’s a downloadable (and printableversion of this kitlistCubs Kit List

  • No mobile phones, electronic games, or other gadgets are allowed.
  • It is best to pack a rucksack or soft bag. Suitcases and bin bags are not appropriate. However it is a good idea to use a black bin bag as a “lining” to a rucksack to keep the clothes dry just in case the rucksack gets wet.
  • It will be cold at night. Please send you Cub with appropriate sleeping bag and blanket to ensure they are warm.
  • Pocket money the Cub Leader will tell you whether this is necessary on a particular camp.
  • And no sweets please – see Camp Q & A .


Note: No responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects can be accepted by the camp organisers and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items.