
‘One of my big missions is to encourage people across the UK who have the time, enthusiasm and ability, whatever it is, to put something back into their communities. It’s about a lot of people doing a little. I don’t want to hear any more about kids who can’t join because of a lack of leaders. We’ve got a brilliant, talented nation and I want some of that talent to be used to support young people.’ – Bear Grylls 

We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to help us provide scouting to the children in our area.

For information about joining us please feel free to contact us. 

Contact us: 

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Parent Contact Telephone number (required)

    Would you like to help Scouting but would like to try it before you join us? Well why don't you come over and sample our 4 week challenge where you can get a good taste of what Scouting will be like before you join. Please let us know if you are interested or if you have any other questions that you would like us to answer??

    More information can be found at – http://scouts.org.uk/get-involved

    We are all like you (volunteers!), who want to help our young people and adults grow in their life skills and confidence. Look at their SMILES!

    Everyone has something interesting that children love to learn about and from, just by coming, you WILL make that difference… so why wait? dip you toes in, the water will be LOVELY! 🙂