Child Joining

If you are interested in your child/young person (“YP”)  joining our group or if you would like some more information please contact us. As of July 2023 we have approx 130 applicants on our waiting list and our maximum intake is approx 18 per year.

If there is available space the 52nd EFS will allow the YP to join in order of priority as follows…

  1. The child is already a Scout and is “moving on” to the new section or transferring from another group (Beavers to Cubs, Cubs to Scouts etc..) with written approval from their previous GSL.
  2. The YP is female as we are trying to equalise the number of females to males.
  3. The parent promises to help out a minimum 4 times a term and joins the Scout group as an adult member –  Sectional Assistant. The YP is moved to the priority wait list and the chances of joining increases.
  4. In all other instances the YP is put on the standard wait list and the vacancy is reviewed on a termly basis.
  5. We do not operate a sibling policy (we assess all applications individually)
  6. If a parent does not respond to our email invitation to attend then the YP is put back on the waiting list and another one is immediately chosen to fill the vacancy. If after two attempts we shall delete the application completely. There will be no reinstatement in the queue position once this has happened.   

As we have said before, a young person (“YP”) sees their parent in a totally different light as volunteers  and they will be so proud that mum/dad is part of the Scouting movement. Any talents and skills that you have would be cherished by us and this can be anything from knowing how to clean/cook/tidy; handy with your hands or being a computer wizard! We can make use of you in many ways!

We hope that parent promises will be honoured as it helps to share the work load amongst all the  other volunteers. If the Promise is broken, so will the trust and shall ask the family to leave. We have a long waiting list of eager joiners who would like to have the  opportunity join this group and we have to fair to all.

    You are promising to helping the group at least 4 times a term during the time that your child attends our Scout group and this means that your child will go on the priority waiting list. (this helps our group attract adult helpers, stops any queue jumping and allows other children a chance to join us)

    I promise to help at least 4 times a term (12 times a year)

    If you leave the answer blank we shall assume that you have replied as "NO" and will allocate your child to the standard waiting list and the standard waiting time is as above

    More information can also be found on –