Cubs Summary of the Week – 14th May 2019

Weekly Summary

Last week the Cubs learnt what to pack for camp (and what not to pack!), hopefully this means they will pack their own bag for the next camp!

Next meeting

Weather permitting, this week the Cubs will use tarpaulins to make shelters in the space outside the hut, they will also put up hammocks as well. This will also be a test of the leaders knot skills (I’m sure they all know how to do a truckers hitch)!



Date/time: 23rd June 11:30 – 14:00

Another exciting opportunity to get out on a lake in a kayak, it’s a beautiful spot with various swans and ducks.  A brief video of the location can be found here:

The cost is £12 for a 2 hour session, the minimum age is 8.

Details of the location can be found here:

And a link to the map is here:

You will need to collect and drop off your Cubs from the HYMB centre, there is a car park and you can wait onsite if you like.

Public transport is available, you can great a train from Stratford to Cheshunt which takes approx. 25 minutes.  Cheshunt train station is right next to the entrance for the HYMB centre.

The cubs/scouts will love it and the water isn’t too cold now it’s warmed up.

Cub/scouts will need to bring the following:

  • Clothes to get wet in (wet suit, swimming shorts/costume etc.).  We do not recommend thick tracksuits or denim in the kayak, they get far too heavy when wet.
  • Shoes to wear in the kayak (old trainers or water shoes)
  • Towel
  • Dry clothes to go home in
  • Sun cream (there is no shade on the lake)
  • A drink and snack for after the session

We aim to be on the water for 12:00, please arrive at 11:30 to allow time to change and a safety briefing.

District Camp: Sixers and Seconders

Date/time: 28th June 18:00 – 30th June 12:00

A really special camp for Sixers and Seconders (and others if there’s space and you are invited) spent with other 6ers/2nders from other groups. Only once a year.

A  great way to meet the other groups; show off skills and to learn. To make good friends that you may see again later in Scouts and Explorers.

District helped by our leaders will be laying on all the activities from water sports to climbing/shooting and archery.

At Thriftwood Brentwood – Car share if you can.

Leaders may decide that this might be a backwoods cooking camp (Cubs to start up their own fire, cooking meals over their own  fire, no dining shelter, no kitchen tent!, cubs to wash and clean all their cooking pots and pans etc..

Cost will most likely be £50.

Kitlist to follow

Parents are not required or allowed to attend this camp.

If your Cub is invited and you do not plan to go, please update MyScout accordingly, this allows us to invite another Cub.


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 7th May 2019

Weekly Summary

Last week the Cubs completed a number of small challenges, they all had a great time and have taken home personal challenges for the rest of term.

If you can confirm how well they have done with their personal challenges, we can provide them with the Personal Challenge badge.

Several of the group also went to Gullivers Land at the weekend, this was an excellent event and all the Cubs had a great time. They were all very well behaved and showed respect for all the other Cubs at the day out (there were over 150 Cubs there!).

A small gallery has been started on the website:

Next meeting

This week the Cubs will learn about what to pack for camps, we will also discuss items that shouldn’t be taken and the reasons why.


District Camp: Sixers and Seconders

Date/time: 28th June 18:00 – 30th June 12:00

A really special camp for Sixers and Seconders (and others if there’s space and you are invited) spent with other 6ers/2nders from other groups. Only once a year.

A  great way to meet the other groups; show off skills and to learn. To make good friends that you may see again later in Scouts and Explorers.

District helped by our leaders will be laying on all the activities from water sports to climbing/shooting and archery.

At Thriftwood Brentwood – Car share if you can.

Leaders may decide that this might be a backwoods cooking camp (Cubs to start up their own fire, cooking meals over their own  fire, no dining shelter, no kitchen tent!, cubs to wash and clean all their cooking pots and pans etc..

Cost will most likely be £50.

Kitlist to follow

Parents are not required or allowed to attend this camp.


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 30th April 2019

Weekly Summary

Last week the Cubs performed a small play of all the activities they did over the Easter break. It was great to see so many of them enjoyed the Spring Camp, Walthamstow Gang Show and St. Georges Day Parade.

Several of the Cubs from camp also talked about how they enjoyed the Spring Camp, hopefully we get even more Cubs on the next camp.

Next meeting

This week the Cubs will be working towards their Personal Challenge badge, we’ll have several activities for them and they will also choose a challenge for home.


District Day Out: Gullivers world

Date/time: 11th May 2019 08:45 – 17:00

All day out at this fantastic adventure park in Milton Keynes Bucks.

Prices to be confirmed. But will be £23 I think and includes the transportation.

Parents can come and relive their carefree childhood too at the same cost too (Adult to pay leader cash/cheque). Mr Whippy icecreams, roller coasters, fun and frolics!
We may need one more parent to come along as we have more cubs than adults – can you help? Please indicate this on your response.

Cubs to attend in full uniform with a light rain jacket (being prepared!)
Bring a Packed Lunch in a named plastic shopping bag and Meds in a clear bag, with cubs name, dosage and/or operating instructions.
And some pocket money (£5 in an envelope with your cubs name on it) that your Cub will need to  hand over to a leader

Drop off 8;45am and pick up 5;30pm for the coaches will be the Drive, Snaresbrook. Near the speed cameras. (Just look out for the coaches!)


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 2nd April 2019

Weekly Summary

Last week the leaders had a nice relaxing meeting whilst the Cubs played games, everyone had a great end of term meeting.

Several of the Cubs and Scouts also went on the Spring Camp at Skreens Park. It was the first time in many years that the 52nd had camped at Skreeens and the weekend was a success.

Activities included:

  • Sumo wresting
  • Air rifle shooting
  • Crate stacking
  • Fire lighting
  • Orienteering

A gallery of the photos can be found here:

All the Cubs and Scouts were very well behaved, helping prepare, run and pack up the camp. There was plenty of strong team work and everyone was respectful to each other and other groups.

Next meeting

The next meeting isn’t until 30th April, we will start focusing on the Skills challenge badge next term.


WFS gang show

Date/Time: 27th April 2019 19:30

Location: Chingford assembly hall

We have been very fortunate as a group, to secure these limited tickets and would like to invite you and your family to attend the gang show. So first come first served. It is £10 per person, please pay any outstanding fees direct to your section leader (Sue, Jody and Allen), manually.

It is a show like no other as all of the performers and helpers are either current or former Scouts, Cubs or Beavers. Everything has been created by the members from the dress, makeup and backdrops to the lighting, special effects and stage sets. It is just amazing!

Although more amazing is the amount of effort that each child puts in “to do their best” from the dance and song routines; to the funny sketches (Morcorme and Wise), juggling and magic tricks. we have it all . So come on a support them and give them some encouragement, you will be wowed and surprised at what can be achieved! 

Bring along your popcorn, crisps and drinks, sit down and enjoy the show.

Only 52nd EFS neckers required on this night, so that we can identify you.

Families to make their own way there and will be responsible for their children. If your child wishes to attend and requires adult supervision, please let us know. – you will still need to drop off/collect though.

As soon as book we can allocate you and your family their seat numbers.

Payments will not be refundable as these go direct to WFS district.

District St Georges Day Parade

Parents , as per your promise when your Scout joined this group. this is the only day that we ask all of our members of the group to be present. This is a good occasion for us to show to the other groups that we are a strong and vibrant group with committed members and helpers. Please help us on this only day of the year that we require your help. We also collect your donations so that they can be offered to a charity of the district’s choice – please put this in an envelope/bag with your group name “52nd EFS”. 


DATE SUNDAY 28th APRIL 2019 arrive 1:45 for 2pm start

VENUE Bancroft’s school, High Road, Woodford Green – hosts 4th EFS. Parade in the Quad followed by celebration in the Great Hall and then refreshments in the dining hall 

Colours Beaver, Cub, Scout, Explorers, Fellowship, (Colours Paraded by each Group)
The Union and District Flags will be paraded by the 4th EFS 
District and St George’s Award Flags Paraded by last year Recipients

Our group will select our best Beaver, Cub & Scout to represent us and bear our colours. They will need to come a bit earlier for the rehearsal so please be at the School Quad by 1.15pm

* section leaders – Please ensure that all Colour Bearers arrive at the Church with their Group section flag

Groups to Assemble in the School Quad by 2.15pm please 

I.C Parade Brian Gillman (any queries on the day please see Brian) 

* section leaders –  Please collect donation money before the celebration and have it ready for collection at the Parade in the School Quad. Details of recipient Charity to follow.

Parking Details to follow

District Award of District Colours and Trophies will take place during the celebration

Dismissal School Quad 

Parents and families are welcome to attend the celebration but please advise them that they will not be able to enter the hall until all members of the district have entered first. 

District Day Out: Gullivers world

Date/time: 11th May 2019 08:45 – 17:00

All day out at this fantastic adventure park in Milton Keynes Bucks.

Prices to be confirmed. But will be £23 I think and includes the transportation.

Parent can come and relive their carefree childhood too at the same cost too (Adult to pay leader cash/cheque). Mr Whippy icecreams, roller coasters, fun and frolics! 
We may need one more parent to come along as we have more cubs than adults – can you help? Please indicate this on your response.

Cubs to attend in full uniform with a light rain jacket (being prepared!)
Bring a Packed Lunch in a named plastic shopping bag and Meds in a clear bag, with cubs name, dosage and/or operating instructions.
And some pocket money (£5 in an envelope with your cubs name on it) that your Cub will need to  hand over to a leader

Drop off 8;45am and pick up 5;30pm for the coaches will be the Drive, Snaresbrook. Near the speed cameras. (Just look out for the coaches!)

District Sports Day

Date/time: 12th May 2019 14:00 – 16:00

Location: Woodford County High

After several years of not attending, we burst on the scene in 2017 when the 52nd EFS came out as victors and we hope that we can earn the illustrious trophy again this year.

a) You cub to compete in various feats of athletic prowess (running, jumping, skipping, rolling and wiggling!). Cubs to wear running gear and trainers, Necker with woggle; and to bring a small face towel, A waterproof jacket & a Sunhat (just in case!). To also bring a bottle of water and some energy snackbars in a bag with their name on it,

b) You, your family and friends are welcome to enjoy the Sun located at Woodford County High’s rich grounds and to bring your camp chairs/sun sun umbrellas and fabulous picnic spreads whilst you view the unfolding dominance of the 52nd EFS group smash the other teams to win the ultimate prize. Let’s show the other groups that the 52nd are back and the more people  who support us,  the better it will be, to cheer on our cubs to victory.

Please respond and indicate your Cubs strongest events (you can select as many as you like)  that will allow BALOO (Emily) our Sports Coach can then select the strongest team through sports trials. All participants will be doing tasks towards earning their Athletics badge too

Check out this website for some of the events.

The 52nd have an opportunity to dominate, so lets get out there, participate and keep the prize! 

Please carshare as there will not be any onsite parking for parents as these are being reserved for leaders.

District 6-a-side football

Date/Time: 19th May 2019 09:00 – 12:00

Location: Chigwell Sports Club

District competition to see which Cub group has the best footballers.

If you can work as a team then book up. Only 8 in our team but if you are a reserve you can still come along to play for other teams that have missing players.

We have a 52nd EFS football strip too! so look the business!

All Parents/carers and siblings are welcome to attend and help support your player and team. Jon is our team manager. 

Location: Far Left Back Field from the entrance. parking will be on the right.

Metropolitan Police Chigwell Sports Club
Chigwell Hall, High Rd, Chigwell IG7 6BD
020 8500 2735


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 26th March 2019

Weekly Summary

This week the Cubs completed their make lanterns in preparation for mothers day.

Next week

Next week is the last meeting before the Easter break, we will celebrate this with games of the Cubs choice. The only rule is there are no electric games.

Please ask your Cubs to bring a game (or two) or their choice.


Spring Camp 2019

Date/time: 6pm 5 April 2019 – 12pm 7 April 2019

This will be the first time the 52nd have camped at Skreens Park in a number of years, it’s a lovely spot with some fantastic activities.  We have booked a camp site next to a fire pit at camp isn’t the same without a good fire!!

It will be a Cub and Scouts outdoor camp, tents will be provided for Cubs and Scouts.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us, but you will need to be DBS checked first.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide tents for adults.

Activities are have been confirmed as:

  • Air rifle shooting
  • Sumo suit wrestling
  • Crate staking

The cost is £50 for the entire weekend.

Details on Skreens Park:

Skreens Park Activity Centre
Skreens Park Road

The kit list can be found on our website:

WFS gang show

Date/Time: 27th April 2019 19:30

Location: Chingford assembly hall

We have been very fortunate as a group, to secure these limited tickets and would like to invite you and your family to attend the gang show. So first come first served. It is £10 per person, please pay any outstanding fees direct to your section leader (Sue, Jody and Allen), manually.

It is a show like no other as all of the performers and helpers are either current or former Scouts, Cubs or Beavers. Everything has been created by the members from the dress, makeup and backdrops to the lighting, special effects and stage sets. It is just amazing!

Although more amazing is the amount of effort that each child puts in “to do their best” from the dance and song routines; to the funny sketches (Morcorme and Wise), juggling and magic tricks. we have it all . So come on a support them and give them some encouragement, you will be wowed and surprised at what can be achieved! 

Bring along your popcorn, crisps and drinks, sit down and enjoy the show.

Only 52nd EFS neckers required on this night, so that we can identify you.

Families to make their own way there and will be responsible for their children. If your child wishes to attend and requires adult supervision, please let us know. – you will still need to drop off/collect though.

As soon as book we can allocate you and your family their seat numbers.

Payments will not be refundable as these go direct to WFS district.

District St Georges Day Parade

Parents , as per your promise when your Scout joined this group. this is the only day that we ask all of our members of the group to be present. This is a good occasion for us to show to the other groups that we are a strong and vibrant group with committed members and helpers. Please help us on this only day of the year that we require your help. We also collect your donations so that they can be offered to a charity of the district’s choice – please put this in an envelope/bag with your group name “52nd EFS”. 


DATE SUNDAY 28th APRIL 2019 arrive 1:45 for 2pm start

VENUE Bancroft’s school, High Road, Woodford Green – hosts 4th EFS. Parade in the Quad followed by celebration in the Great Hall and then refreshments in the dining hall 

Colours Beaver, Cub, Scout, Explorers, Fellowship, (Colours Paraded by each Group)
The Union and District Flags will be paraded by the 4th EFS 
District and St George’s Award Flags Paraded by last year Recipients

Our group will select our best Beaver, Cub & Scout to represent us and bear our colours. They will need to come a bit earlier for the rehearsal so please be at the School Quad by 1.15pm

* section leaders – Please ensure that all Colour Bearers arrive at the Church with their Group section flag

Groups to Assemble in the School Quad by 2.15pm please 

I.C Parade Brian Gillman (any queries on the day please see Brian) 

* section leaders –  Please collect donation money before the celebration and have it ready for collection at the Parade in the School Quad. Details of recipient Charity to follow.

Parking Details to follow

District Award of District Colours and Trophies will take place during the celebration

Dismissal School Quad 

Parents and families are welcome to attend the celebration but please advise them that they will not be able to enter the hall until all members of the district have entered first. 

District Day Out: Gullivers world

Date/time: 11th May 2019 08:45 – 17:00

All day out at this fantastic adventure park in Milton Keynes Bucks.

Prices to be confirmed. But will be £23 I think and includes the transportation.

Parent can come and relive their carefree childhood too at the same cost too (Adult to pay leader cash/cheque). Mr Whippy icecreams, roller coasters, fun and frolics! 
We may need one more parent to come along as we have more cubs than adults – can you help? Please indicate this on your response.

Cubs to attend in full uniform with a light rain jacket (being prepared!)
Bring a Packed Lunch in a named plastic shopping bag and Meds in a clear bag, with cubs name, dosage and/or operating instructions.
And some pocket money (£5 in an envelope with your cubs name on it) that your Cub will need to  hand over to a leader

Drop off 8;45am and pick up 5;30pm for the coaches will be the Drive, Snaresbrook. Near the speed cameras. (Just look out for the coaches!)

District Sports Day

Date/time: 12th May 2019 14:00 – 16:00

Location: Woodford County High

After several years of not attending, we burst on the scene in 2017 when the 52nd EFS came out as victors and we hope that we can earn the illustrious trophy again this year.

a) You cub to compete in various feats of athletic prowess (running, jumping, skipping, rolling and wiggling!). Cubs to wear running gear and trainers, Necker with woggle; and to bring a small face towel, A waterproof jacket & a Sunhat (just in case!). To also bring a bottle of water and some energy snackbars in a bag with their name on it,

b) You, your family and friends are welcome to enjoy the Sun located at Woodford County High’s rich grounds and to bring your camp chairs/sun sun umbrellas and fabulous picnic spreads whilst you view the unfolding dominance of the 52nd EFS group smash the other teams to win the ultimate prize. Let’s show the other groups that the 52nd are back and the more people  who support us,  the better it will be, to cheer on our cubs to victory.

Please respond and indicate your Cubs strongest events (you can select as many as you like)  that will allow BALOO (Emily) our Sports Coach can then select the strongest team through sports trials. All participants will be doing tasks towards earning their Athletics badge too

Check out this website for some of the events.

The 52nd have an opportunity to dominate, so lets get out there, participate and keep the prize! 

Please carshare as there will not be any onsite parking for parents as these are being reserved for leaders.

District 6-a-side football

Date/Time: 19th May 2019 09:00 – 12:00

Location: Chigwell Sports Club

District competition to see which Cub group has the best footballers.

If you can work as a team then book up. Only 8 in our team but if you are a reserve you can still come along to play for other teams that have missing players.

We have a 52nd EFS football strip too! so look the business!

All Parents/carers and siblings are welcome to attend and help support your player and team. Jon is our team manager. 

Location: Far Left Back Field from the entrance. parking will be on the right.

Metropolitan Police Chigwell Sports Club
Chigwell Hall, High Rd, Chigwell IG7 6BD
020 8500 2735


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 19th March 2019

Weekly Summary

This week the Cubs started to make lanterns, which can be taken home for mothers day, we will complete the lanterns this week.

Next week

Next week the Cubs will making lanterns, which can be taken home for mothers day presents.

We will also have a games night for the end of term, please bring along any board games or cards you want to play (NOTE: NO ELECTRIC GAMES!)


Spring Camp 2019

Date/time: 6pm 5 April 2019 – 12pm 7 April 2019

This will be the first time the 52nd have camped at Skreens Park in a number of years, it’s a lovely spot with some fantastic activities.  We have booked a camp site next to a fire pit at camp isn’t the same without a good fire!!

It will be a Cub and Scouts outdoor camp, tents will be provided for Cubs and Scouts.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us, but you will need to be DBS checked first.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide tents for adults.

Activities are have been confirmed as:

  • Air rifle shooting
  • Sumo suit wrestling
  • Crate staking

The cost is £50 for the entire weekend.

Details on Skreens Park:

Skreens Park Activity Centre
Skreens Park Road

The kit list can be found on our website:

WFS gang show

Date/Time: 27th April 2019 19:30

Location: Chingford assembly hall

We have been very fortunate as a group, to secure these limited tickets and would like to invite you and your family to attend the gang show. So first come first served. It is £10 per person, please pay any outstanding fees direct to your section leader (Sue, Jody and Allen), manually.

It is a show like no other as all of the performers and helpers are either current or former Scouts, Cubs or Beavers. Everything has been created by the members from the dress, makeup and backdrops to the lighting, special effects and stage sets. It is just amazing!

Although more amazing is the amount of effort that each child puts in “to do their best” from the dance and song routines; to the funny sketches (Morcorme and Wise), juggling and magic tricks. we have it all . So come on a support them and give them some encouragement, you will be wowed and surprised at what can be achieved! 

Bring along your popcorn, crisps and drinks, sit down and enjoy the show.

Only 52nd EFS neckers required on this night, so that we can identify you.

Families to make their own way there and will be responsible for their children. If your child wishes to attend and requires adult supervision, please let us know. – you will still need to drop off/collect though.

As soon as book we can allocate you and your family their seat numbers.

Payments will not be refundable as these go direct to WFS district.

District St Georges Day Parade

Parents , as per your promise when your Scout joined this group. this is the only day that we ask all of our members of the group to be present. This is a good occasion for us to show to the other groups that we are a strong and vibrant group with committed members and helpers. Please help us on this only day of the year that we require your help. We also collect your donations so that they can be offered to a charity of the district’s choice – please put this in an envelope/bag with your group name “52nd EFS”. 


DATE SUNDAY 28th APRIL 2019 arrive 1:45 for 2pm start

VENUE Bancroft’s school, High Road, Woodford Green – hosts 4th EFS. Parade in the Quad followed by celebration in the Great Hall and then refreshments in the dining hall 

Colours Beaver, Cub, Scout, Explorers, Fellowship, (Colours Paraded by each Group)
The Union and District Flags will be paraded by the 4th EFS 
District and St George’s Award Flags Paraded by last year Recipients

Our group will select our best Beaver, Cub & Scout to represent us and bear our colours. They will need to come a bit earlier for the rehearsal so please be at the School Quad by 1.15pm

* section leaders – Please ensure that all Colour Bearers arrive at the Church with their Group section flag

Groups to Assemble in the School Quad by 2.15pm please 

I.C Parade Brian Gillman (any queries on the day please see Brian) 

* section leaders –  Please collect donation money before the celebration and have it ready for collection at the Parade in the School Quad. Details of recipient Charity to follow.

Parking Details to follow

District Award of District Colours and Trophies will take place during the celebration

Dismissal School Quad 

Parents and families are welcome to attend the celebration but please advise them that they will not be able to enter the hall until all members of the district have entered first. 

District Day Out: Gullivers world

Date/time: 11th May 2019 08:45 – 17:00

All day out at this fantastic adventure park in Milton Keynes Bucks.

Prices to be confirmed. But will be £23 I think and includes the transportation.

Parent can come and relive their carefree childhood too at the same cost too (Adult to pay leader cash/cheque). Mr Whippy icecreams, roller coasters, fun and frolics! 
We may need one more parent to come along as we have more cubs than adults – can you help? Please indicate this on your response.

Cubs to attend in full uniform with a light rain jacket (being prepared!)
Bring a Packed Lunch in a named plastic shopping bag and Meds in a clear bag, with cubs name, dosage and/or operating instructions.
And some pocket money (£5 in an envelope with your cubs name on it) that your Cub will need to  hand over to a leader

Drop off 8;45am and pick up 5;30pm for the coaches will be the Drive, Snaresbrook. Near the speed cameras. (Just look out for the coaches!)

District Sports Day

Date/time: 12th May 2019 14:00 – 16:00

Location: Woodford County High

After several years of not attending, we burst on the scene in 2017 when the 52nd EFS came out as victors and we hope that we can earn the illustrious trophy again this year.

a) You cub to compete in various feats of athletic prowess (running, jumping, skipping, rolling and wiggling!). Cubs to wear running gear and trainers, Necker with woggle; and to bring a small face towel, A waterproof jacket & a Sunhat (just in case!). To also bring a bottle of water and some energy snackbars in a bag with their name on it,

b) You, your family and friends are welcome to enjoy the Sun located at Woodford County High’s rich grounds and to bring your camp chairs/sun sun umbrellas and fabulous picnic spreads whilst you view the unfolding dominance of the 52nd EFS group smash the other teams to win the ultimate prize. Let’s show the other groups that the 52nd are back and the more people  who support us,  the better it will be, to cheer on our cubs to victory.

Please respond and indicate your Cubs strongest events (you can select as many as you like)  that will allow BALOO (Emily) our Sports Coach can then select the strongest team through sports trials. All participants will be doing tasks towards earning their Athletics badge too

Check out this website for some of the events.

The 52nd have an opportunity to dominate, so lets get out there, participate and keep the prize! 

Please carshare as there will not be any onsite parking for parents as these are being reserved for leaders.

District 6-a-side football

Date/Time: 19th May 2019 09:00 – 12:00

Location: Chigwell Sports Club

District competition to see which Cub group has the best footballers.

If you can work as a team then book up. Only 8 in our team but if you are a reserve you can still come along to play for other teams that have missing players.

We have a 52nd EFS football strip too! so look the business!

All Parents/carers and siblings are welcome to attend and help support your player and team. Jon is our team manager. 

Location: Far Left Back Field from the entrance. parking will be on the right.

Metropolitan Police Chigwell Sports Club
Chigwell Hall, High Rd, Chigwell IG7 6BD
020 8500 2735


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 12th March 2019

Weekly Summary

This week the Cubs planted seeds, we will monitor the progress of these seeds over the coming weeks.

We also invested Frank, Elaine and Ming (who is now officially Raksha)

A few cubs took part in the district archery and shooting event at the weekend, I’m pleased to say that one of our Cubs one a meddle for archery!

Next week

Next week the Cubs will making lanterns, which can be taken home for mothers day presents.


Spring Camp 2019

Date/time: 6pm 5 April 2019 – 12pm 7 April 2019

This will be the first time the 52nd have camped at Skreens Park in a number of years, it’s a lovely spot with some fantastic activities.  We have booked a camp site next to a fire pit at camp isn’t the same without a good fire!!

It will be a Cub and Scouts outdoor camp, tents will be provided for Cubs and Scouts.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us, but you will need to be DBS checked first.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide tents for adults.

Activities are have been confirmed as:

  • Air rifle shooting
  • Sumo suit wrestling
  • Crate staking

The cost is £50 for the entire weekend.

Details on Skreens Park:

Skreens Park Activity Centre
Skreens Park Road

The kit list can be found on our website:

WFS gang show

Date/Time: 27th April 2019 19:30

Location: Chingford assembly hall

We have been very fortunate as a group, to secure these limited tickets and would like to invite you and your family to attend the gang show. So first come first served. It is £10 per person, please pay any outstanding fees direct to your section leader (Sue, Jody and Allen), manually.

It is a show like no other as all of the performers and helpers are either current or former Scouts, Cubs or Beavers. Everything has been created by the members from the dress, makeup and backdrops to the lighting, special effects and stage sets. It is just amazing!

Although more amazing is the amount of effort that each child puts in “to do their best” from the dance and song routines; to the funny sketches (Morcorme and Wise), juggling and magic tricks. we have it all . So come on a support them and give them some encouragement, you will be wowed and surprised at what can be achieved! 

Bring along your popcorn, crisps and drinks, sit down and enjoy the show.

Only 52nd EFS neckers required on this night, so that we can identify you.

Families to make their own way there and will be responsible for their children. If your child wishes to attend and requires adult supervision, please let us know. – you will still need to drop off/collect though.

As soon as book we can allocate you and your family their seat numbers.

Payments will not be refundable as these go direct to WFS district.

District St Georges Day Parade

Parents , as per your promise when your Scout joined this group. this is the only day that we ask all of our members of the group to be present. This is a good occasion for us to show to the other groups that we are a strong and vibrant group with committed members and helpers. Please help us on this only day of the year that we require your help. We also collect your donations so that they can be offered to a charity of the district’s choice – please put this in an envelope/bag with your group name “52nd EFS”. 


DATE SUNDAY 28th APRIL 2019 arrive 1:45 for 2pm start

VENUE Bancroft’s school, High Road, Woodford Green – hosts 4th EFS. Parade in the Quad followed by celebration in the Great Hall and then refreshments in the dining hall 

Colours Beaver, Cub, Scout, Explorers, Fellowship, (Colours Paraded by each Group)
The Union and District Flags will be paraded by the 4th EFS 
District and St George’s Award Flags Paraded by last year Recipients

Our group will select our best Beaver, Cub & Scout to represent us and bear our colours. They will need to come a bit earlier for the rehearsal so please be at the School Quad by 1.15pm

* section leaders – Please ensure that all Colour Bearers arrive at the Church with their Group section flag

Groups to Assemble in the School Quad by 2.15pm please 

I.C Parade Brian Gillman (any queries on the day please see Brian) 

* section leaders –  Please collect donation money before the celebration and have it ready for collection at the Parade in the School Quad. Details of recipient Charity to follow.

Parking Details to follow

District Award of District Colours and Trophies will take place during the celebration

Dismissal School Quad 

Parents and families are welcome to attend the celebration but please advise them that they will not be able to enter the hall until all members of the district have entered first. 

District Day Out: Gullivers world

Date/time: 11th May 2019 08:45 – 17:00

All day out at this fantastic adventure park in Milton Keynes Bucks.

Prices to be confirmed. But will be £23 I think and includes the transportation.

Parent can come and relive their carefree childhood too at the same cost too (Adult to pay leader cash/cheque). Mr Whippy icecreams, roller coasters, fun and frolics! 
We may need one more parent to come along as we have more cubs than adults – can you help? Please indicate this on your response.

Cubs to attend in full uniform with a light rain jacket (being prepared!)
Bring a Packed Lunch in a named plastic shopping bag and Meds in a clear bag, with cubs name, dosage and/or operating instructions.
And some pocket money (£5 in an envelope with your cubs name on it) that your Cub will need to  hand over to a leader

Drop off 8;45am and pick up 5;30pm for the coaches will be the Drive, Snaresbrook. Near the speed cameras. (Just look out for the coaches!)

District Sports Day

Date/time: 12th May 2019 14:00 – 16:00

Location: Woodford County High

After several years of not attending, we burst on the scene in 2017 when the 52nd EFS came out as victors and we hope that we can earn the illustrious trophy again this year.

a) You cub to compete in various feats of athletic prowess (running, jumping, skipping, rolling and wiggling!). Cubs to wear running gear and trainers, Necker with woggle; and to bring a small face towel, A waterproof jacket & a Sunhat (just in case!). To also bring a bottle of water and some energy snackbars in a bag with their name on it,

b) You, your family and friends are welcome to enjoy the Sun located at Woodford County High’s rich grounds and to bring your camp chairs/sun sun umbrellas and fabulous picnic spreads whilst you view the unfolding dominance of the 52nd EFS group smash the other teams to win the ultimate prize. Let’s show the other groups that the 52nd are back and the more people  who support us,  the better it will be, to cheer on our cubs to victory.

Please respond and indicate your Cubs strongest events (you can select as many as you like)  that will allow BALOO (Emily) our Sports Coach can then select the strongest team through sports trials. All participants will be doing tasks towards earning their Athletics badge too

Check out this website for some of the events.

The 52nd have an opportunity to dominate, so lets get out there, participate and keep the prize! 

Please carshare as there will not be any onsite parking for parents as these are being reserved for leaders.

District 6-a-side football

Date/Time: 19th May 2019 09:00 – 12:00

Location: Chigwell Sports Club

District competition to see which Cub group has the best footballers.

If you can work as a team then book up. Only 8 in our team but if you are a reserve you can still come along to play for other teams that have missing players.

We have a 52nd EFS football strip too! so look the business!

All Parents/carers and siblings are welcome to attend and help support your player and team. Jon is our team manager. 

Location: Far Left Back Field from the entrance. parking will be on the right.

Metropolitan Police Chigwell Sports Club
Chigwell Hall, High Rd, Chigwell IG7 6BD
020 8500 2735


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 5th March 2019

Weekly Summary

This week the Cubs made pancakes with a topping of their choice, for some reason we had lots of healthy ingredients left over and not much chocolate, sugar or lemon left!

Next week

Next week the Cubs will be planting seeds, we will monitor the progress of the seeds over the coming weeks.


District Archery and Shooting Competition

Date/time: 16th March 2019 13:45-16:00

Location: Tolmers Scout Camp, Tolmers Road, Cuffley, Hertfordshire, EN6 4JS

I am pleased to announce the District Archery and Air Rifle Shooting Competition

However, we are only allowed to take 4 “INVESTED” Cubs to represent us so please respond as soon as you can. 

Cubs will have a chance to represent the 52nd EFS and participate.

Parents will then be required to fill in further permission forms.

Spring Camp 2019

Date/time: 6pm 5 April 2019 – 12pm 7 April 2019

This will be the first time the 52nd have camped at Skreens Park in a number of years, it’s a lovely spot with some fantastic activities.  We have booked a camp site next to a fire pit at camp isn’t the same without a good fire!!

It will be a Cub and Scouts outdoor camp, tents will be provided for Cubs and Scouts.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us, but you will need to be DBS checked first.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide tents for adults.

Activities are have been confirmed as:

  • Air rifle shooting
  • Sumo suit wrestling
  • Crate staking

The cost is £50 for the entire weekend.

Details on Skreens Park:

Skreens Park Activity Centre
Skreens Park Road

The kit list can be found on our website:

WFS gang show

Date/Time: 27th April 2019 19:30

Location: Chingford assembly hall

We have been very fortunate as a group, to secure these limited tickets and would like to invite you and your family to attend the gang show. So first come first served. It is £10 per person, please pay any outstanding fees direct to your section leader (Sue, Jody and Allen), manually.

It is a show like no other as all of the performers and helpers are either current or former Scouts, Cubs or Beavers. Everything has been created by the members from the dress, makeup and backdrops to the lighting, special effects and stage sets. It is just amazing!

Although more amazing is the amount of effort that each child puts in “to do their best” from the dance and song routines; to the funny sketches (Morcorme and Wise), juggling and magic tricks. we have it all . So come on a support them and give them some encouragement, you will be wowed and surprised at what can be achieved! 

Bring along your popcorn, crisps and drinks, sit down and enjoy the show.

Only 52nd EFS neckers required on this night, so that we can identify you.

Families to make their own way there and will be responsible for their children. If your child wishes to attend and requires adult supervision, please let us know. – you will still need to drop off/collect though.

As soon as book we can allocate you and your family their seat numbers.

Payments will not be refundable as these go direct to WFS district.

District Day Out: Gullivers world

Date/time: 11th May 2019 08:45 – 17:00

All day out at this fantastic adventure park in Milton Keynes Bucks.

Prices to be confirmed. But will be £23 I think and includes the transportation.

Parent can come and relive their carefree childhood too at the same cost too (Adult to pay leader cash/cheque). Mr Whippy icecreams, roller coasters, fun and frolics! 
We may need one more parent to come along as we have more cubs than adults – can you help? Please indicate this on your response.

Cubs to attend in full uniform with a light rain jacket (being prepared!)
Bring a Packed Lunch in a named plastic shopping bag and Meds in a clear bag, with cubs name, dosage and/or operating instructions.
And some pocket money (£5 in an envelope with your cubs name on it) that your Cub will need to  hand over to a leader

Drop off 8;45am and pick up 5;30pm for the coaches will be the Drive, Snaresbrook. Near the speed cameras. (Just look out for the coaches!)

District Sports Day

Date/time: 12th May 2019 14:00 – 16:00

Location: Woodford County High

After several years of not attending, we burst on the scene in 2017 when the 52nd EFS came out as victors and we hope that we can earn the illustrious trophy again this year.

a) You cub to compete in various feats of athletic prowess (running, jumping, skipping, rolling and wiggling!). Cubs to wear running gear and trainers, Necker with woggle; and to bring a small face towel, A waterproof jacket & a Sunhat (just in case!). To also bring a bottle of water and some energy snackbars in a bag with their name on it,

b) You, your family and friends are welcome to enjoy the Sun located at Woodford County High’s rich grounds and to bring your camp chairs/sun sun umbrellas and fabulous picnic spreads whilst you view the unfolding dominance of the 52nd EFS group smash the other teams to win the ultimate prize. Let’s show the other groups that the 52nd are back and the more people  who support us,  the better it will be, to cheer on our cubs to victory.

Please respond and indicate your Cubs strongest events (you can select as many as you like)  that will allow BALOO (Emily) our Sports Coach can then select the strongest team through sports trials. All participants will be doing tasks towards earning their Athletics badge too

Check out this website for some of the events.

The 52nd have an opportunity to dominate, so lets get out there, participate and keep the prize! 

Please carshare as there will not be any onsite parking for parents as these are being reserved for leaders.

District 6-a-side football

Date/Time: 19th May 2019 09:00 – 12:00

Location: Chigwell Sports Club

District competition to see which Cub group has the best footballers.

If you can work as a team then book up. Only 8 in our team but if you are a reserve you can still come along to play for other teams that have missing players.

We have a 52nd EFS football strip too! so look the business!

All Parents/carers and siblings are welcome to attend and help support your player and team. Jon is our team manager. 

Location: Far Left Back Field from the entrance. parking will be on the right.

Metropolitan Police Chigwell Sports Club
Chigwell Hall, High Rd, Chigwell IG7 6BD
020 8500 2735


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 26th February 2019

This week the cubs made structures out of spaghetti, tape and marshmallows. They managed to build a structure that held up the marshmallows, just.

Some of our members from Beavers, Cubs and Scouts represented the 52nd EFS in the district swimming gala, the Beavers won some medals and everyone was well behaved and had a great time!

Next week

Next week the Cubs will be making pancakes with toppings of their choice, I’m sure they will all pick the health options…


Spring Camp 2019

Date/time: 6pm 5 April 2019 – 12pm 7 April 2019

This will be the first time the 52nd have camped at Skreens Park in a number of years, it’s a lovely spot with some fantastic activities.  We have booked a camp site next to a fire pit at camp isn’t the same without a good fire!!

It will be a Cub and Scouts outdoor camp, tents will be provided for Cubs and Scouts.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us, but you will need to be DBS checked first.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide tents for adults.

Activities are still being confirmed, but they will include:

  • Air rifle shooting
  • Sumo suit wrestling

The cost is £50 for the entire weekend.

Details on Skreens Park:

Skreens Park Activity Centre
Skreens Park Road

The kit list can be found on our website:


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

Cubs Weekly Summary – 5th February 2019

This week the cubs learnt to make dogs, birds and boats with origami. They all loved being creative and I hope to find similar activities throughout the term.

Next week

It’s half term next week, so no Cubs meeting. The next meeting is on the 26th, the Cubs will be building spaghetti towers that need to hold up marshmallows.


Spring Camp 2019

Date/time: 6pm 5 April 2019 – 12pm 7 April 2019

This will be the first time the 52nd have camped at Skreens Park in a number of years, it’s a lovely spot with some fantastic activities.  We have booked a camp site next to a fire pit at camp isn’t the same without a good fire!!

It will be a Cub and Scouts outdoor camp, tents will be provided for Cubs and Scouts.

Parents and carers are welcome to join us, but you will need to be DBS checked first.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide tents for adults.

Activities are still being confirmed, but they will include:

  • Air rifle shooting
  • Sumo suit wrestling

The cost is £50 for the entire weekend.

Details on Skreens Park:

Skreens Park Activity Centre
Skreens Park Road

The kit list can be found on our website:


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders