Cubs Summary of the Week – 15th October 2019

Weekly summary

Unfortunately we didn’t meet last week as I was at the mercy of the central line.

We did however have an excellent camp with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts!

All the kids had a great time and were extremely well behaved, they thoroughly enjoyed the following activities:

  • Bridge building
  • Air rifle shooting
  • Crate Staking
  • Fire building
  • Camp fire songs
  • Mini archery

A full photo gallery can be found here:

2019 – Autumn Camp

Next meeting

Next week is half term at Churchfields, so there is no meeting until the 29th October.  We will continue to work on the Skills challenge badge.


Fireworks night

Location: 52 EFS Scout Hut

Date/Time: 5 Nov 2019 – 19:00

Family occasion for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Please bring siblings to enjoy the bangs and flashes

7pm – burgers, hotdogs, veggies, tea, coffees.

This years collection will go towards our big camp at Brownsea Island in 2020.


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it.

As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

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