Cubs Summary of the Week – 9th July 2019

Weekly Summary

Last week the Cubs learnt how to start a fire with a ferro rod and strike, I’m pleased to say that all managed to get a spark and to light the cotton wool. I expect them to be starting your camp fires on your camping holidays from now on.

We also learnt about how we can use vaseline to keep the cotton wool burning for longer and a few fire safety tips. In the future we will practise more advanced techniques of using char cloth and hay.

Next meeting

This week the Cubs will practise pitching tents and building shelters, I hope/expect the older Cubs will be able to teach the younger Cubs (and some of the leaders!) how to pitch a tent.


End of Term fundraising – Gardening, Water party, BBQ, raffle & cake sale.

Location: 52nd Scout hut

Date/time: 20th July 2019 14:00

Cost: £10

Please come with your family to the End of Term multi session and help raise funds for the once in a lifetime 2020 expedition camp to the home of Scouting “Brownsea Island” in Poole, Dorset. 

Gardening session (2pm onwards)

Before the fundraising party really kicks off we shall be tendering to our newly introduced plants and cleaning up the surrounding area of rubbish. Please come and offer your help. Bring any personal gardening tools in a bag and a great way to identify this is by marking them with your initials in nail varnish.  

Donations (anytime)

  1. bake and bring a cake, cup cakes, cream cakes?
  2. cook any food dishes (curries, cottage pies, roasts?) that we can dish out to other members? (we will give you your pot back)
  3. As it might be a hot day – can donate ice cream lollies too
  4. Raffle prize items (wine bottles, beer, unwanted gifts, newish read books, unwanted toys/games/puzzles, absolutely anything that is newish. Be generous as every little bit helps towards the expedition fund.
  5. We are also looking for unwanted nail varnish that we can use to identify our scout eqpt and would welcome your donation of these helpful little bottles.

Raffle & BBQ Foodie Feast, (4pm onwards) requires adult/leader per table

  1. The cakes will be sliced and sold (£2 a slice)
  2. Any sweets will be bagged and sold (50p)
  3. Any bought in items will be numbered and raffled off as prizes (£1 for 3 tickets)
  4. The cooked food will supplement the BBQ items that we shall be cooking for our Scouts members (burgers, sausages).
  • Please note that the 52nd EFS cannot be held responsible for any allergic reactions for home cooked food  and we advise parents to speak to the dish owner if they have any concerns. (each dish will have the name of the parent cook on it – a great way to say thank you and get recipes too!)

Water party (mainly Scout members but if adult wish to join in they can) requires 2 leaders to supervise

Assuming that the weather will be sunny and hot. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to come in

  • Any T-Shirt, Shorts with 52nd EFS necker/scarf & woggle.
  • They can bring their super soakers (water pistols/guns) too!
  • Please ensure that they have a towel and a change of clothing as they will be getting soaked. – as will the adult helpers too

Finally… Why are we Charging (1 leader with stamp)

We do this as we have estimated that the cost for the expedition to Brownsea island will be approx £140 per child for the week so will need as much help to as possible to raise the necessary funding. Let’s all help to achieve our target. DBS parents are also welcome to join us and help during this week. It will be a great camping experience; out under the stars, lapping waves, RED squirrels, deer and peacocks!

  • We are charging  parent of the child, who donate items and helps run a table (needs to do both) –  a standard  fee of £10 to cover the costs for the child and their parent (both donate & help).
  • Other parents/partners/adults will be charged £10pp on the day.
  • Scout members and children are free.
  • any additional donation amounts is also much appreciated

Looking forward to a splashingly cool end of term party

Yours in Scouting

Allen Chan & the 52nd EFS leaders.


Date/time: 21st July time: 10-12

Details of the location can be found here:

And a link to the map is here:

You will need to drop off and collect your Cubs from the HYMB centre, there is a car park and you can wait onsite if you like.

NOTE: the car park is free, if you are in a car park that is charging then it’s the wrong one.

Public transport is available, you can great a train from Stratford to Cheshunt which takes approx. 25 minutes.  Cheshunt train station is right next to the entrance for the HYMB centre.

The cubs/scouts will love it and the water isn’t too cold now it’s warmed up.

Cub/scouts will need to bring the following:

  • Clothes to get wet in (wet suit, swimming shorts/costume etc.).  We do not recommend thick tracksuits or denim in the kayak, they get far too heavy when wet.
  • Shoes to wear in the kayak (old trainers or water shoes)
  • Towel
  • Dry clothes to go home in
  • Sun cream (there is no shade on the lake)
  • A drink and snack for after the session

Aviation flight experience – Emirates Airlines

Location: Greenwich Emirates Aviation

Date: 29th July 2019

Cost: £30

A rare opportunity for older cubs to join our scouts and to find out about flight and to fly a flight simulator plane. Normally this would be opened up to other Scout groups but we felt that our cubs will lose out, so that’s why we are opening it up to our group. 


Let me know if you’re interested in attending as I’ve provisionally booked this popular venue. Can’t be weekend visit as it won’t be a full day. 

A full day out with leaders to learn about aviation and commercial flight. 

Land or take off in one of 4 flight simulators (Airbus A380 and Boeing B777). See attached form with pictures. 

Full day out and Lunch is included too.

Scouts will get a tour of the site from mock up of interior of an Emirates flight to cargo and baggage handling.

Learn about the various forces that enable flight to occur. 

Learn about the commercial operations of an airport

I might be able to book a flight in the cable cars too. 

Bring your Oyster Zip cards please.

I’ve done it already and it is a great experience and photo opportunity.

Autumn camp – Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

Date: 11th October 2019 18:00 – 13th October 2019 midday

Location: Skreens Park, Chelmsford

Cost: TBC

52nd will be returning to Skreen Park which is a lovely clean spot with some fantastic activities.The Beavers and Cubs will be staying indoors in  Leasman Centre, which has good facilties and sleeps 30. The site is a lovely clean spot with some fantastic activities.

Activities are still being confirmed, but will include

  • Air rifle shooting
  • Camp fire building
  • pioneering (bridge building)

The exact cost will be confirmed once we have numbers attending.

Please respond as early as possible  if your child wishes to attend, as we need to get numbers.

Details on Skreens Park:

Skreens Park Activity Centre

Skreens Park Road




Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

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