Cubs – Summary of the week 19th June 2018

Weekly Summary

This week we practised putting tents up, the cubs did well but I’m glad to say that the Cubs aren’t responsible for putting tents up for the camp next week as we would end up sleeping in the wild!

Pitching tents

Next Week

We are hoping to practise making a shelter use tarpaulins next week, if I get time I’ll also put up a hammock or two for the Cubs to try.

Personal challenge badge

In preparation for the district camp at the end of the month, we have been teaching the cubs a Haka dance as we will be representing New Zealand at the camp.

Because it’s going to require the cubs to learn the routine at home, I’d like to make this a challenge for all the Cubs that goes towards their personal challenge badge.

Please ask your Cubs to learn the moves from this video (no need to worry about the chant, unless they are really keen):

They also need to complete another challenge, which we can agree individually.


Summer District Activity weekend (Whole group) representing New Zealand

Date: 29th June – 1st July

Location: Thriftwoods Scout Camp, Brentwood

This will be a huge event with beavers, cubs and scouts from all the groups invited, the last time we ran this event there were over 400 young people attending!

We are keeping the list of activities a secret, but I can confirm the itinerary will be full (much like last years sixers and seconders camp).

Each group will be representing a different country and the 52nd EFS will be representing New Zealand, so we will need to learn a haka and serve a local dish.

I’m glad to say we some parent volunteers so we can take up to 24 Cubs now.

This will be an outdoor camp and tents will be provided.

More details will be provided as a finalise the plans.

Kayaking session

Date: 14th July

Time: 13:30 – 15:30 (Please arrive at 13:00 to allow the cubs to get changed)

An exciting opportunity to get out on a lake in a kayak, it’s a beautiful spot with various swans and ducks.

The cost is £10 for a 2 hour session, the minimum age is 8.

Details of the location can be found here:

And a link to the map is here:

You will nee to collect and drop off your Cubs from the HYMB centre, there is a car park and you can wait there if you like.

The cubs/scouts will love it and the water isn’t too cold now it’s warmed up.


Parents, please volunteer to help on the rota.

Please also note that once you have booked for an externally paid event, if you do not notify us in time, you are obliged to pay for it. As a matter of courtesy we hope that you can understand why we request this and how it affects spaces, leaders required to attend and the potential damage to our reputation. Please respect this and let us know via OSM.

All bookings MUST be made via OSM and payments should be automated as it saves us much time in administration.We may be requesting an additional charge for any manual payments in the future.

Yours in Scouting

52nd EFS leaders

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